Circular Weaving
The Year 3 artists have been learning about popular textile arts of Mexico. They have currently been working on circular weavings using a paper plate. They were required to design a colour scheme to paint their paper plate with - some students went with complementary colours, some went with analogous colours, some went with simple warm colours and some chose to do fine detailed patterns and some did abstract bold patterns.... ever paper plate design was different and they were all fantastic! The following week their paper plates were ready for weaving. The students marked their paper plates with 17 equal notches around the edge and then cut a 1 inch slit in each. After the students chose their yarn colours they were ready to begin weaving.... over - under - over - under - over under! After the students had completed their first circular weaving they were taught a trickier circular weaving, this time they would weave in a circular motion starting from the inside and grow...