
Showing posts from December, 2017

Lunchtime Art Club

The Year 1 and 2 students have been enjoying participating in the Term 2 Lunchtime Art Club. The students worked hard to create lots of purple, blue and green (cool coloured!) watercolour and crayon resist feathers. The Year 6 Art Captains put together all the feathers to create a giant collaborative wings mural which was inspired by the street artist, Kelsey Montague. Visit Kelsey Montague's website to see more of her beautiful street art murals:

Mondrian Mix Up

The Year 5 students were assigned the Creative Challenge to come up with their own artwork, incorporating their own ideas as well as seeking inspiration from Piet Mondrian's Composition' pieces. Students could use Mondrian's artwork to inspire themselves in any way they wished - some students focused on the primary colours, some played around with different shapes, others thought completely outside of the box!  In small groups students presented their artworks and shared how Mondrian inspired their new ideas. Students also had to discuss what art elements and design principles were most dominant in their artwork. I was so glad that the students enjoyed this Creative Challenge. Several students even asked if we could do it again in the future with another artist as our inspiration! Piet Mondrian 'Composition'


The Prep students enjoyed learning about the artist, Yvonne Coomber and her beautiful Wildflower paintings. As a class we shared our thoughts, observations and feelings about Coomber's artworks. Some popular descriptive words included; fun, crazy, happy, colours, messy, party!  Yvonne Coomber 'Wildflowers'  To create our own Coomber inspired Wildflower artworks, we used the soft chalk pastels for the yellow sun, blue sky and green grass, next we used green oil pastels to draw on the blades of grass and flower stems, then finally (the messy and super fun part!) we used our pointer fingers as a paint brush to dab on the primary colour flowers. Some students chose to mix the colours and create secondary colour flowers. During the lesson we learnt some new art words including; inspiration, mixed media, chalk pastel, smudge, stroke, dab, splatter. 

Zany Zebras

The Prep students created these mixed media Zany Zebra artworks after visiting real zebras on their zoo excursion earlier in the term! The students learnt that the art term 'mixed media' means to create an artwork incorporating more than one art material (or medium). For their Zany Zebra artworks the students used the following mediums; painting (with a focus on warm colours), drawing (an introduction to cartooning) and paper collage (for the grass trimming). The students even mounted their own artworks, complete with a decorative patterned frame.

Matisse Fishbowls

These mixed media artworks were created by the Prep students. The students looked at the artist Henri Matisse and his famous goldfish paintings. They studied the artist Henri Matisse's famous goldfish paintings. As a class we discussed Matisse's use of the art elements of colour and pattern and how it was effective. The students used watercolour paints and the crayon resist technique for the background. They created their own unique table and gold fish bowl out of paper collage. The students worked with great focus and demonstrated precise cutting and glueing skills.