1SB Pro Hart

There were so many 'woohoos' when 1SB came into the Art Room after lunch and saw the carpet, sauce and food items. The students were very excited to discover that we were going to be doing our own Pro Hart inspired Performance Art piece! As a class 1SB came up with the creative idea to incorporate coloured patterns in the legs and wings of the dragonfly. 

Here is 1SB's detailed plan of their dragonfly design.

The first addition.... mustard to the body of the dragonfly. 
Two students working on smoothing out the mustard with old paintbrushes, to form the shape of the dragonfly's body. 

Keeping the mustard inside the lines! 

Now for some spaghetti on the body. This gave the dragonfly's body a wiggly appearance. 

Two students working together to apply the sweet chilli sauce on two of the wings. The sweet chilli sauce was very sticky. 

Carefully adding on the rice bubbles to the wings. The student used a scoop to pour on the rice bubbles and then a spatula to spread and smooth it all over the wings. 
Next we added green jelly on the other two wings. It smelled very fruity and sweet.  
Smoothing out and patting down the rice bubbles on the jelly wings. 
Since the sweet chilli sauce was very sticky, we decided to use it as a 'super glue' to stick on the orange slices for the eyes.

Adding on two mustard legs... 
And two tomato sauce legs! 
We decided that the orange slices needed something around the outside of them, so as a class we agreed on BBQ sauce. The brown really made the orange eyes look bright and beady.
We nearly forgot to add the antennas! This student carefully applied the sweet chilli sauce in nice straight lines. 
Now to work on the background. We had two students using vegemite to form the ants and one student used red cordial to create a messy 'dotty' background - similar to Pro Hart's original dragonfly artwork. 
And now for the final step - adding our name, because all good artists sign their artwork when it's finished. 
And here is a bird's eye view of 1SB Hart. 


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