2EO Pro Hart

The students of 2EO had so many clever and creative ideas for their collaborative Pro Hart influenced artwork - as a team we combined all of our ideas to create a dragonfly masterpiece!

Working as a team to decide on a design. 

Wow what a creative idea.... using the mustard to create stripes on the dragonfly's body! 
Now to add on the other stripes, using BBQ sauce. The students did a great job of carefully spreading out the sauce, ensuring that it did not mix with the yellow stripes. 

Using mayonnaise to create white legs for the dragonfly - similar to Pro Hart's original. 

The mayonnaise on the legs was very bright, so together as a class we decided to also use it also for the wings.  2EO wanted to do just two wings for their dragonfly - similar to Harry Hart's dragonfly carpet creation (the grandson of Pro Hart - Harry Hart also did his own carpet ad) 

Adding on some strands of spaghetti for the dragonfly's legs. 

Using the spatula to spread out the mayonnaise, ensuring there were no gaps. 

So much creativity is taking place in this photo.... here we have two students working on the spaghetti legs and the other student is smoothing out the oats on the wings. 

Using BBQ sauce and tomato sauce for the 2EO Hart lettering. 

Two students focusing on the small details of the ants - they used a combination of BBQ sauce, mustard and vegemite. 

As this artwork was developing, some students suggested the idea of using red cordial to squirt over the top of the oats, as they felt that the oats didn't really stand out against the white carpet background. 

And now for the second red cordial wing. The red cordial made the oats really 'pop' off of the page and stand out. 

Now for the final detail..... the big rice cracker eyes! These were stuck onto the carpet using vegemite. 
Nice work 2EO - you really thought outside of the box with your creation! The sauce and mustard stripes for the body were very effective and the spaghetti legs look like the dragonfly is wiggling and moving. 


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