
Showing posts from July, 2016

"Why the Arts?"


I love seeing your Art!

It makes me so happy when students bring in their own artwork from home to show me and their peers in the Art Room - it's always so special. 

Ndebele Dolls

The Year 6 students (and year 5/6EH!) created these amazing Ndebele inspired African dolls. We used a plastic water bottle filled with sand for the body and a ball of stuffing covered with material and attached to the bottle neck with a rubber band. I was particularly impressed with the students' designs and the way they approached this task! There were some students who worked hard on creating intricate beaded designs on the clothes and hair and even some students designed their own material, replicating the traditional Ndebele dress. A real Ndebele doll brought in by a student. This was great inspiration! Thanks Issy!

Year 1 & 2 Architecture Art Portfolios

The Year 1 & 2 Architecture Art Portfolios have been sent home! 

Architecture Foam Stamps

Sydney Harbour Bridge and Eiffel Tower foam stamp prints - by the Year 1 and 2 students

Cityscape Silhouettes


Eiffel Tower Drawings

The Year 1 and 2 artists have been enjoying learning about Architecture Art. They have been studying the line, shape and structures of famous buildings, towers and bridges. Here are a couple of the students' Eiffel Tower drawings, complete with detailed and interesting line patterns....